Goneclear Payroll

From GoneClear Wiki
Welcome to GoneClear Payroll User Guide.

Basics of GoneClear Payroll

In This Chapter

Getting Started

To start GoneClear Pay, double-click the icon shown in Figure 1

Figure 1: Starting GoneClear Pay, and logging in.

The first screen you see is the login window, where you input your username and password. In order to access the company database, both a username and a password are required. For auditing reasons, user information is recorded whenever a user creates a new record or modifies an existing record.

Knowing Where You Are

One powerful aspect of GoneClear PAY is that it is possible to have many windows open at once, each of which may show a different document or master data record.

The Main Window

The main window opens automatically upon launching GoneClear PAY and is the central place where you can initiate any task. Only the main window has a Ribbon along the top.

[[File: |700px|frameless|center]]

Figure 1-2: Main Window.

Toolbar and Ribbon

The GonClear StoreFront toolbar is displayed across the top of the main window. Clicking on each tool item will show the ribbons that lead to more choices.


Figure 1-3: Toolbar and Ribbons.

The Ribbon is just below the toolbar. It is a collection of buttons that provide access to more choices. Active buttons display in color while inactive or unauthorized buttons appear in gray. To display the Ribbon, place your cursor on the toolbar and click one of the tabs.

Quick Access Tool bar

To minimize or hide the Ribbon, position your cursor over the quick access Toolbar and right-click to see the Options menu. Choose the option "Minimize Ribbon."


Figure 1-4: Quick Access Toolbar.

The Status Bar

The status bar runs along the bottom of the GoneClear PAY main window and includes several fields.
  • The bottom left-hand side displays the version of GoneClear PAY


Figure 1-5: Status Bar.

Windows and Panel

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the main window, it is time to explain different window modes. To launch a new window, click on an active Ribbon. Each window would have an exit button to close the current window. As stated before in this guide, it is possible to have many windows open simultaneously. Windows may have sub-windows for displaying more options.

A panel is a hidden menu that reveals more options when the cursor is hovered over it. Multiple windows contain a panel. To hide the panel, use the "Hide Panel" icon or move the cursor off the current panel.

left center NOTE: The same windows cannot be opened twice.


Figure 1-6: Windows and Panel.